CloudyCluster User Interface

CloudyCluster offers a simple, browser-based, responsive interface, adaptable for desktop and mobile devices.


Select the HELP link at the top right of any screen for access to the online documentation for CloudyCluster and for OrangeFS. You will also find support contact information on this screen.


The Overview pane provides tools to create and view your environment. It also provides access to stop, restart and delete them.

Note the controls in the upper right corner of the interface.


The Dashboard pane provides detailed statistics about your CloudyCluster environment, including active and cumulative totals.


The Access pane provides access methods to the various instances in the environment. This includes the interactive links to Open OnDemand as well as the alternative connectivity that can be used with tigerVNC for graphical connectivity to the login nodes. The SCP link provides the path to transfer data via scp and terminal links provide access via the webssh terminal.


The Collaborations pane provides tools to add Collaborations and new Collaborators, who will have access to your cluster.


The Settings pane provides tools to set a custom display order for cluster components and tools to manage user settings.
