Included Software

CloudyCluster comes with a good selection of open HPC libraries, tools and software.

Included HPC Software, Libraries and Tools

“Software / Libraries” Type
.NET Core .Net Lib
Ambertools Molecular Dynamics
ANN Neural Net Lib
ATLAS Linear Algebra Lib
Biopython Bioinformatics Python Lib
BLAS Linear Algebra Lib
Blast Bioinformatics
Blender 3D Graphics
Boost Portable C++ Libs
Burrows-Wheeler Aligner Genomics
CESM Earth System Modeling
Cuda Toolkit GPU
Dakota Parallel OO Framework
Docker Containers
FFMPEG Video Processing
FFTW Discrete Fourier Transform Lib
FLTK Cross-Platform C++ GUI Toolkit
foam-extend Computational Fluid Dynamics
Galaxy Computational Biology
GATK Genome Toolkit
GCC Compiler
Gengetopt CL Option Tools
GRIB2 Data Format Lib
GROMACS Molecular Dynamics
GSL Scientific Library
Hadoop Map Reduce
HDF5 Data Format Lib
ImageMagick Image Processing
JasPer Infrastructure
Jupyter Interactive Computing Interface
LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics
matplotlib Python Plotting Lib
mlpack Machine Learning
mpich MPI
mxnet Machine Learning
NCAR Scientific Visualization
NCL Scientific Data Processing
NCO NetCDF operator toolkit
NetCDF Data Format Lib
NumPy Numerical Python Lib
nwchem Molecular dynamics
Octave Math Lib
OpenCV Computer Vision
OpenFoam Computational Fluid Dynamics
OpenFoam_esi Computational Fluid Dynamics
OrangeFS Parallel Storage
Pandas Python Data Analysis Lib
papi Performance Monitoring API
paraview Scientific visualization
PICARD HTS Data Manipulation
PROJ coordinate transformation Lib
PyMOL Scientific visualization
Python + many standard libs Python
Quantum Espresso Nanoscale modeling
Queue Queue Lib
R (package) Language
Relion cryo-EM Lib
Rmpi R MPI Version
SaltStack System Util
SAMtools SAM Alignment Tools
scikit-learn Machine Learning
SciPy Scientific Python
Singularity Container Management
Slurm Scheduler
SU2 Computational Fluid Dynamics
SWIG C/C++ High Level Lang Lib
TensorFlow Machine Learning
theano Machine Learning
Torque Scheduler
UDUNITS Unit Coversion Lib
VTK Scientific visualization
WGRIB GRIB Manipulation Toolkit
WRF Weather Research