Open OnDemand QuickLook
Brief Look at Open OnDemand
Open OnDemand (OOD) provides a web based UI for HPC systems. I makes access and interactive computing easier for those who prefer not to use the command line.
To give an idea of the power of OOD we will give you a brief overview.
Accessing OOD
- Navigate to the Access tab in CloudyCluster
- Select the link to Open OnDemand
OOD Interface
The menu options are self explainatory and provide useful easy to use tools.
- Files - listing, viewing and editing of files on the shared fs.
- Jobs - listing, viewing and submitting sjobs to CCQ
- Clusters - Allows shell access
- Interactive Apps - provides access to JupyterHub and VNC to Graphical Desktops
- My Interactive Sessions - lists the interactive apps currently running
Interactive Apps
To Launch a JupyterHub session you can select Interactive Apps -> Jupyter

Choose the options you require for the interactive session and select launch**

OOD will launch a job and configured for Jupyter

Once the job is running you can connect to it

You can now get working with Jupyter and all of your notebooks are saved in your home directory

Cluster Shell Access
A web based shell provides easy command line access

The Terminal