
To uninstall CloudyCluster take the following steps:

Delete or terminate any HPC Environments you have running by selecting the trash can icon in the upper right corner. This will delete the whole cluster.

HPC Environment Screen

All data associated with this cluster will be removed, including any FS, GCS storage, or Working Storage. Make sure you back up any needed data to a different location.

CloudyCluster delete message example

HPC Deleting Environment
HPC Environment Deleted

Proceed to the Administration tab and select “Delete CloudyCluster Instance and Database.” This will remove all users, collaborations and anything associated with CloudyCluster. You will not be able to recover from this.

Control Instance Delete option from Administration Menu

Select “Delete” and the database will be removed and instance shut down and terminated. The web UI will become unavailable.

Confirm Control Instance Delete option from Administration Menu popup screen
Confirm Control Instance Delete option from Administration Menu popup screen