User Settings
This section explains how to configure CloudyCluster user settings.
This topic includes the following sections:
- Sharing Settings
- Adding and Editing Login Accounts
- Changing Your Password
- Managing CloudyCluster App Keys
- Multi-Factor Authentication
Sharing Settings
CloudyCluster supports the creation of Google folders to share resources remotely with other collaborators. If you want to use shared Google folders for your cluster, you must also provide Google account information.
To enable shared Google folders and files, complete the following steps:
- In the User Settings pane, select Mail Settings.
- On the subsequent screen, enter your Google email address and click the Save button.
- Select the Google icon to authenticate your account.
- On the subsequent screen, click the Allow button to permit CloudyCluster to view and manage files in your Google Drive.

Adding and Editing Login Accounts
CloudyCluster supports authenticated login via connected accounts for Google InCommon. Additional services may be added in the future.
To connect your CloudyCluster account to another service account, complete the following steps:
- In the User Settings pane, select Add/Edit Login Accounts.
- On the subsequent screen, select the link for the account you want to add.
- Enter your userid and password for the selected account and log in.
- If asked, agree to allow CloudyCluster to access the selected account.
- To remove a login account, select the Delete button beside the listed account.
Changing Your Password
To change your CloudyCluster account password, complete the following steps:
In the User Settings pane, select Change Password. On the subsequent screen, enter your current password. Enter your new password twice and click the Save button.
Managing CloudyCluster App Keys
App keys allow you to submit a job to your CloudyCluster environment without logging in with a userid and password.
To create an app key, complete the following steps:
- In the User Settings pane, select Manage CloudyCluster App Keys.
- On the subsequent screen, select the “+” button at the top left to add an App Key.
- Your App Key is created and displayed.

- Use the App Key for ccqsub, ccqstat and ccqdel possible arguments. See Using CCQ for more information.
Multi-Factor Authentication
CloudyCluster supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) for improved security.
To set up Multi-Factor Authentication, complete the following steps:
- In the User Settings pane, select Multi-Factor Authentication.
- On the subsequent screen, set the toggle for “Enable Google MFA” to “On”.
- Download and install the Google Authenticator app (or another RFC 6238 application) on your mobile device.
- Launch the Google Authenticator app and scan the QR code shown on the MFA setup pane.
- Enter the MFA token to validate the configuration.

- When you login to CloudyCluster, you will be required to enter the MFA token in addition to your userid and password credentials.