Control Instance Config

After you have launched the Image, complete the following initial setup tasks: It takes about 5 minutes for the instance to come up and self configure fully. Once it does, you will see the following:

Wait for DNS to propagate screen

  1. Once DNS propagates, you will be taken to the following page and prompted to provide the Custom metadata startup_key to authenticate that you launched the instance.

    Wait for DNS to propagate screen
    Control Instance Configuration Key Verification Screen
    In GCP, click on the VM Instance Name, scroll down and you will see the Custon Metadata Field. Copy/Paste the unique value into the CloudyCluster prompt.
    Control Instance Configuration Key Verification Screen
    Control Instance Configuration Key Verification Screen

  2. Next, provide the following Admin User information to complete the initial setup: (All information you provide is used only in CloudyCluster and never leaves your Google Cloud Platform account.)

    Control Instance Configuration Setup

  3. Create a CloudyCluster username and password to be encrypted and stored in the database in your GCP Account.

Control Instance Main Menu Screen

You have successfully completed the initial control instance configuration.