Managing an Environment
This section explains the basics of managing your environment after you have created it.
This topic includes six sections:
- Introduction
- View Instance Details
- Search for an Instance Type
- Pausing an Instance Group
- Stopping an Environment
- Deleting an Environment
Once you have created an environment, you can view details about each instance in your environment. CloudyCluster provides a search function to help you locate any instance type within your environment.
You can pause and resume individual nodes or the entire environment. A running environment incurs hourly charges even when you are not using it, so pausing your environment helps you reduce costs until you are ready to resume or delete your environment.
View Instance Details
To view details on a specific instance in your environment, follow the steps below:
In the Overview pane, select your environment name. Locate the instance you want to inspect and select it. An overlay window will appear, displaying details about the selected instance. You can also pause the individual NAT, Login Instance or Scheduler Instance in this Node Info overlay display. Click the “x” on the detail window to close it.
In this example, the Login Node details are shown.
Search for an Instance Type
To search for a specific instance type, follow the steps below:
In the Overview pane, click the Search magnifying glass icon in the upper left corner. Select the instance type you want to locate from the pulldown menu. All instances of that type in your environment are displayed. You may select the Terminal link next to any instance to launch a command line interface for that instance.
In this example, all file system instances for the environment are displayed.
Pausing an Instance Group
You can pause your Compute and Working (storage) instances as a group when you are not using your environment.
To pause a set of instances, follow the steps below:
In the Overview pane, locate the set of instances you want to pause. Select the Pause button at the top right of the instance group to pause it. You can watch as the instances stop. This may take a few moments, depending on the number of instances in the group and GCP current usage. To resume a set of instances, select the Play button.
In this example, all file system instances have been paused.

Stopping an Environment
You are incurring GCP charges as long as your environment is running, even if you are not running any jobs on it. If you intend to use an environment again later, you can pause the entire environment to reduce costs.
To Stop an environment, follow the steps below:
In the Overview pane, select your environment name. Select the Stop button at the top right of the Overview pane. You can watch as the environment stops. This may take a few moments, depending on the number of instances in the group and GCP current usage. When you are ready to run your environment again, select the Play button at the top right of the Overview pane.
In this example, the entire environment has been Stoppd, and only the Control Node is still running.
Deleting an Environment
When you are finished with your environment, deleting it will stop all compute and storage charges.
Deleting an environment does not delete your CloudyCluster control instance, but you must delete your environment before you can delete the control instance. For more information on deleting the control instance, see Delete CloudyCluster Instance and Database (Under the Administration Menu.)
To delete an environment, follow the steps below:
In the Overview pane, select the name of the environment you want to delete. Select the trash can icon at the top right of the screen to delete the environment. Click OK on the subsequent warning screen.
You can watch the environment removal process in the Web UI.