This section explains how to create and manage CloudyCluster collaborations.
This topic includes the following sections:
- Introduction
- Creating a Collaboration
- Inviting a New User
- Adding an Existing User
- Removing a Collaborator from a Collaboration
- Adding a Shared Google Folder for a Collaboration
- Viewing a Shared Google Folder for a Collaboration
- Removing a Shared Google Folder from a Collaboration
CloudyCluster allows you to create Collaborations, which enable you to invite other users to use the environment and access shared Google folders and specified scheduler(s). You can add users to more than one collaboration. You can also add shared Google folders to a collaboration.
Two collaborations are automatically provisioned for each environment, “Everyone” and “wheel.”
The “Everyone” collaboration contains all collaborators. Every new collaborator is automatically added to the “Everyone” collaboration.
The “wheel” collaboration provides sudo access to all users in this collaboration. Members can run commands as sudo on the machine, install software, stop and start services and perform other customization and troubleshooting.
Creating a Collaboration
To create a Collaboration, complete the following steps:
- In the Collaborations pane, select the “+” icon at the top left.
- Enter a name for the collaboration and select the Save icon at the top right (next to the +).
Inviting or Creating a New User
You can invite others to work in your environment. New users are added via invitation to join a specified collaboration, but you can add a user to multiple collaborations. You can also create additional Users under the Administration console or using the provided ccuseradd and ccusermod commands.
To invite a new user to a collaboration, complete the following steps:
- In the Collaborations pane, select the name of the collaboration to which you want to invite a new user from the displayed list.
- Select the Collaborators link. On the subsequent screen, the list of current collaboration members is displayed.
- Select the “+” icon at the top left.
- Select the Invite a Collaborator link.
- Enter the name and email address for the invited collaborator. A temporary default username is assigned.
The username you specify is a placeholder. Users must create a username when they create their CloudyCluster account, and it may differ from the temporary username used for the invitation.
- Select the number of days the invitation will remain open, and click the Invite button

Adding an Existing User
To add an existing user to a collaboration, complete the following steps:
In the Collaborations pane, select the name of the collaboration to which you want to add a user.
- Select the Collaborators link.
- Select the “+” icon at the top left.
- Select the name(s) of the collaborator(s) you want to add.
- Select the radio button to indicate whether this collaborator will have only read or also write permissions for shared Google folders.
- Click the Save icon at the top right to add the user to the collaboration.
Removing a Collaborator from a Collaboration
To remove a collaborator from a collaboration, complete the following steps:
In the Collaborations pane, select the name of the collaboration from which you want to remove a user.
- Select the Collaborators link.
- Select the “-” icon at the top left.
- Select the name(s) of the collaborator(s) you want to remove.
- Click the Save icon to complete the removal.
Adding a Shared Google Folder for a Collaboration
Members of a collaboration will have access to shared Google folders created for that collaboration.
To create a shared Google folder for a collaboration, complete the following steps:
- In the Collaborations pane, select the name of the collaboration to which you want to add a shared folder.
- Select the Google Folders link.
- Click the “+” icon at the top left.
- Enter a name and description for the folder and click the Save button.

Viewing a Shared Google Folder for a Collaboration
To view a shared collaboration Google folder, complete the following steps:
- In the Collaborations pane, select the name of the collaboration to which you want to add a shared folder.
- Select the Google Folders link.
- Select the name of the folder you wish to view.
- The Google folder will open in the Google Drive interface in a new browser tab.

Removing a Shared Google Folder from a Collaboration
To remove a shared collaboration Google folder, complete the following steps:
- In the Collaborations pane, select the name of the collaboration from which you want to remove a shared folder.
- Select the Google Folders link.
- Click the “-” icon at the top left.
- Select the name of the folder you wish to remove from the collaboration.
- The folder is removed from the collaboration.