Interactive Use with Open OnDemand

Open OnDemand Overview

Open OnDemand is an NSF-funded open-source HPC portal based on OSC’s original OnDemand portal. The goal of Open OnDemand is to provide an easy way for system administrators to provide web access to their HPC resources, including, but not limited to:

For more information and full documentation, please visit the Open OnDemand website

Open OnDemand Usage Overview

To begin using Open OnDemand (OOD), there is a direct link to the portal from within the CloudyCuster web interface. Click the Access tab, and a link like the one pictured below is offered:

OOD Dashboard

Once clicked, you will be asked to provide your CloudyCluster credentials. Once authenticated, you will be delivered to the Dashboard.

OOD Dashboard

From within the OOD portal, users can create job files, upload resources in a familiar GUI, create, edit and run job scheduler scripts as well as experiment with interactive tools, like Jupyter Notebooks.

You have visual SSH browsing capabilities from within OOD.

OOD User Interface
There’s a Job Composer to aid users as they prepare scripts and test them on an actual Compute Node.
OOD Job Scripts

Initiating an Interactive Desktop: Cloudy Desktop

Define the time duration of the Node that you will use for the interactive session, choose the machine type, if any GPU resources are required, and which version, then submit the request to build the interactive server. This process takes a few moments.

OOD Job Scripts
OOD Job Scripts
When the instance is ready, click Launch Cloudy Desktop:
OOD Job Scripts
OOD Job Scripts
OOD Job Scripts

Initiating an Interactive Notebook: Jupyter Hub

Following a similar sequence as above, select Jupyter(sched)

OOD Jupyter

Once the server is available, click the button Connect to Jupyter and you will be taken to the Jupyter Hub Console:

OOD Jupyter Hub
OOD Jupyter Hub

Here the session is using an IPYNB kernel running Python 3:

OOD Jupyter Notebook